The experience I gained from this presentation has indeed impacted my life! This may sound exaggerating, but it is indeed how I feel. =) I have always been very nervous when presenting in front of a group of people. Therefore, having been through this oral presentation with PatCaLie has instill a greater confidence level in my presentation and communication skills.
Reflection: Before the Oral Presentation
This is the first time whereby I created my slides with more images than words to bring across my point. In the past, I depend greatly on my slides for the bullet points. This time round I choose to create my oral presentation to emphasize on my speech rather than my slides. Indeed, this is a much appropriate approach to convey ideas to the audience. Of course, it is no doubt that the slides are essential helpers in my presentation.

As mentioned by Patrick, rehearsals are extremely important. The first rehearsal is the most difficult time for me. It is due to the fact that thinking through your words and verbally articulating your words are not equivalent. For the first try, I was so anxious that the transition between slides was very awkward. And, I skipped a lot of points that I intended to mention in a rush manner. I even laughed out a few times due to my nervousness. This improved as we rehearsed a few more rounds. In addition, the presence of friends, actually help to improve on the clarity of the explanation of my key ideas. The sequence of the slides was changed to allow better flow of the whole presentation.
Reflection: During the Oral Presentation
On the exact day of presentation, I was constantly trying to recap the key points when the first group was presenting. But, it was quite confusing to listen and to think about something else. Hence, I kept reminding myself to relax and concentrate on the first group’s presentation.
When I started the introduction of my group, I suddenly remembered the feedbacks for the previous peer teaching; hence I raised my volume abruptly. I am still wondering if anyone realizes I did that. I feel that my pronunciation of certain words were not sufficiently clear. In addition, I added a lot of “s” behind words unnecessarily. Moreover, the word “actually” was used quite often. And, time management could be improved. =)
I did maintain comfortable eye contact with the audience. This is a great improvement for me, as I tend to get nervous upon direct eye contact. Moreover, I think I did not stand in a stiff manner, and this actually helps to calm my mood during the oral presentation. The ability to catch the audience’s attention and interest is an important point to take note in any presentation. In my group presentation, we engaged some selected student representatives to keep the presentation light-hearted and not too boring. I used varied tones to aid in this too. =)
Thanks for the supportive nods and smiles from everyone during the oral presentation! Of course, special thanks to my group members, Brad and everyone for the help to improve in any areas of the project and oral presentation! =)
Hey Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteI did not notice that you raised your volume abruptly. Your voice projection and speed were good. You maintained good eye-contact as well. You also appeared confident during the presentation.
I agree that the team's time management could be improved.
Overall, I thought you did a good job during the presentation.
Hi Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteI thought you did well in the presentation. Like Catherine, I did not notice the abrupt rise in volume. However, I did notice your confidence and your eye contact was good. The tone and speed were also suitable. I guess the rehearsals helps. Also, we're nice people. =)
I think the additional 's' was not a major issue. If what you said was too perfect it would appear to be scripted. I thought yours was a nice balance.
Well done!
Thank you very much for this well conceived and detailed reflection. And just as importantly, thanks for all the work in this project, which culminated in the very good presentation. I'll give you more specific feedback later, as you know----
ReplyDeleteHi Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteYour presentation skills have really improved alot as compared to our previous presentation for peer teaching. You are very clear and natural in your deliverance and I really admire the great smile you had throughout the presentation. That is something I hope to accomplish as well. It really helps to engage the audience and I guess that is because human beings like to look at pleasant things. =) In addition, I did notice that you managed to maintain your composure and brought the audience back to the presentation despite the unintended commotion created by Russell due to his unexpected reply.
In all, I just want to say: Well done!
Hello all! =)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the feedbacks! During the presentation, you all supported by group a lot by showing great interest! Thanks so much!
Xiu Ling: I still remembered the other round for peer teaching, I was even more nervous! You helped me n Jia Min a lot! =)
Rebecca =)
Hello Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for the disruption caused by my weird answer! I feel that your presentation was really natural and you smiled a lot, helping to put the audience at ease. To be honest, I did not notice any of the pronunciation problems that you mentioned, probably because I’m not the group critically evaluating yours! So here’s an important lesson! As long as you smile and maintain great eye contact with the audience, they will be feeling far too at ease to notice tiny little errors like what you mentioned!